Facebook Marketing Reaches People. “Like” it or Not.

Facebook Marketing Reaches People. “Like” it or Not.

Love it or loathe it, with 1.28 billion monthly active users worldwide, and 2,267,560 daily users in New Zealand – you can’t afford not to be a part of it. It’s the place to be to get noticed and to reach today’s online generation – it’s as simple as that.

Initially created as a place to find and re-unite with old friends, make new friends, play games and post pictures of the family cat and duck-lipped “selfies”, the world of Facebook has exploded, and is now being used to create online communities and to promote and give exposure to businesses and organisations world wide.

With applications and tools that have been created to automatically link news feeds, news letters and blogs from your website to the hugely populated Facebook platform, and with the phenomenon of sharing and liking, you have the power to get instant exposure to huge volumes of potential customers, and to drive those huge volumes of potential customers back to your website.

Today’s generation is all about instant gratification – the people want information and they want it now! A successful Facebook campaign needs real -time management and fresh, relevant content that grabs attention, engages the viewer and gets shared – giving your business the kind of exposure that puts it on a whole new level.

At SeoPro, we will formulate a targeted Facebook marketing campaign that will reach your customers in their own space and in their own time, with content that will boost brand awareness, build credibility, establish your business as an authority in it’s field, and drive high volumes of pre-qualified traffic back to your website. And, we only post, engage and respond in real-time – leaving you time to sit back, relax and reap the rewards.